A list of available features:
Products list
- Display color swatches in the catalog product listing, to have a preview of the product options.
- This extension can be used to display swatches for color, brand, type, size or any other configurable attribute, each product on the list will display one swatches block.
- Multiple attributes can be selected to appear as swatches, useful for catalogs with multiple attributes sets that require different color attributes ( e.g. shoe color, clothing color, hats color ).
- Configurable options: attribute to display as swatches, and option to display swatches or small images of the child products
- The swatches can also be displayed in the layered navigation, the admin can choose the attributes to display as swatches in the layered navigation
- Preselect images in the catalog when the layered navigation filters are applied, e.g.: shows only red models when the filter is set to color: red.
- Option to display a second row of available options as text, this can be used to display available sizes of a configurable product.
- The swatches can be images or hexadecimal colors
- Availability list: show attribute as list, without swatches, and update values based on selected swatches, e.g.: display list of available sizes for each color of a given product.
- Availability preview: see available options on hover, e.g: available sizes when hovering on color swatches
Product details page
- This extension can be used to display swatches for color, brand, type, size or any other configurable attribute
- Preview available options on hover, e.g: available sizes when hovering on color swatches.
- Show/hide gallery images based on swatches
- The swatches can be images or hexadecimal colors
- Options can be displayed as labels, swatches or select boxes
- The images per color/attribute can be set in the configurable product admin page, without need of setting the images for each child product (only one gallery is needed)
- Lightbox jQuery plugin to enlarge the images
- Cloudzoom jquery extension for images zoom
- Bxslider jquery plugin for products gallery images carousel
- Product Gallery Carousel options: right, left or below main image
- Configurable value: which options will change the product image in the details page
- Override cart image based in gallery, so only the parent configurable product gallery is necessary.
- Reload attributes based on child product selection: name , description or custom attributes.
Compatible with Porto and Ultimo theme. Contact us for more information.
Please visit the demo site for this extension:
You can switch demos using the store view selector on our demo site.