Magento Advanced Color Swatches - Changelog
- Images for attributes
- Fixes and improvements
- Product Details page: Preview available options on hover
- inventory fixes
- Fixed background mode for swatches on product details page and layered navigation
- Elevate Zoom integration
- Fixed etalage image placeholder when gallery contains no images.
- Simple product price: fixed price switching when price shows tax.
- Include sample list.phtml for porto theme 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
- Fotorama css fixes
- Fixed: hide swatches for products out of stock and disabled on products list.
- Code optimization.
- Fixed price calculation based on child product.
- Added compatibility with fotorama jquery plugin: switch gallery, slide effect, responsive behavior and touch screen compatibility.
- Code optimization for generation of swatches on products list
- New feature: update availability list on products list based on selected swatches.
- Simple products pricing fix to include configurable product option in final price calculation.
- Code optimization
- Fixes to etalage plugin
- Price based on simple products: compatibility with Magento core custom options.
- Swatches on cart page items.
- Fixes for compatibility with Magento 1.9.3
- Code optimization
- Fixed bugs for gallery as swatches feature
- Added pager option for bxslider
- Fixed bxslider infinite loop effect.
- Improved etalage plugin scroll function. disable etalage animation when images list too short.
- fixed gallery switch for multiple values.
- New setting: Exclude_parent_images, to include only child product images in the product gallery.
- Gallery switch feature fixes
- Fixed etalage issue with switch-gallery function
- Fixed asterisk(*) display for required fields.
- Compatibility with "Attributes Mapping" Extension.
- New options for fancybox plugin: display buttons and display thumbnails on lightbox popup
- Code optimization
- Code optimization
- New Options: Swatches style in product details page: buttons or flat
- Updated bxslider plugin
- Etalage plugin : new options and code optimization
- Admin controller fix
- Now compatible with the etalage plugin.
- Fixed fancybox bug: First image appear twice sometimes in the fancybox gallery.
- Product details option: switch gallery or switch image only on product details page
- Product details option: change or hide gallery title
- Product list option: activate swatches on click or mouse hover.
- New option on product details page (beta): enable configurable product price based on selected child product resulting from the options selection
- Include sample list.phtml for ultimo theme 1.15.3
- Code optimization
- Attribute swatches admin section: dependant options: if image is selected, show file uploader field, if hex color is selected, show only the hex color selector, to avoid confusion.
- Faster rendering of options on the products list page.
- Reload Attributes on product page based on selection
- Added js event to manipulate selected values on the product details page.
- Prev/Next buttons for main image on product details page
- Option: hide gallery when only one item in gallery
- Reload attributes for child products in product details page
- Updates wishlist images based on the attribute selection
- Optimized layout updates.
- Added bxslider carousel for product details page
- Bxslider options: position left-right-bottom, number of images.
- Image size options: main image, zoomed image, gallery thumbnails.
- Product details option: swatches dimensions
- Products list option: swatches dimensions
- Preselect images in the catalog when the layered navigation filters are applied, e.g.: shows only red models when the filter is set to color: red.
- Configurable options: attribute to display as swatches, and option to display swatches or small images of the child products
- The swatches can be displayed in the layered navigation, the admin can choose the attributes to display as swatches in the layered navigation
- Option to display a second row of available options as text, this can be used to display available sizes of a configurable product.
- The swatches can be images or hexadecimal colors
- Show/hide gallery images based on swatches
- Options can be displayed as labels, swatches or select boxes
- The images per color/attribute can be set in the configurable product admin page, without need of setting the images for each child product (only one gallery is needed)
- Lightbox jQuery plugin to enlarge the images
- Cloudzoom jquery extension for images zoom
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