Advanced Swatches for Magento® 2

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Product Price: eur79.00


A list of available features:

Products list

  • Display color swatches in the catalog product listing, to have a preview of the product options.
  • This extension can be used to display swatches for color, brand, type, size or any other configurable attribute, each product on the list will display one swatches block.
  • Multiple attributes can be selected to appear as swatches, useful for catalogs with multiple attributes sets that require different color attributes ( e.g. shoe color, clothing color, hats color ).
  • Configurable options: attribute to display as swatches, and option to display swatches or small images of the child products
  • The swatches can also be displayed in the layered navigation, the admin can choose the attributes to display as swatches in the layered navigation
  • Preselect images in the catalog when the layered navigation filters are applied, e.g.: shows only red models when the filter is set to color: red.
  • Option to display a second row of available options as text, this can be used to display available sizes of a configurable product.
  • The swatches can be images or hexadecimal colors
  • Availability list: show attribute as list, without swatches, and update values based on selected swatches, e.g.: display list of available sizes for each color of a given product.
  • Availability preview: see available options on hover, e.g: available sizes when hovering on color swatches

Product details page

  • This extension can be used to display swatches for color, brand, type, size or any other configurable attribute
  • Preview available options on hover, e.g: available sizes when hovering on color swatches.
  • Show/hide gallery images based on swatches
  • The swatches can be images or hexadecimal colors
  • Options can be displayed as labels, swatches or select boxes
  • The images per color/attribute can be set in the configurable product admin page, without need of setting the images for each child product (only one gallery is needed)
  • Lightbox jQuery plugin to enlarge the images
  • Cloudzoom jquery extension for images zoom
  • Bxslider jquery plugin for products gallery images carousel
  • Product Gallery Carousel options: right, left or below main image
  • Configurable value: which options will change the product image in the details page
  • Override cart image based in gallery, so only the parent configurable product gallery is necessary.
  • Reload attributes based on child product selection: name , description or custom attributes.

Compatible with Porto and Ultimo theme. Contact us for more information.


Please visit the demo site for this extension:

You can switch demos using the store view selector on our demo site.

Current version: 1.0.2  View extension changelog


If you have a question about this extension, please check our FAQ page to make sure we haven't already answered it. Would you like to give us some feedback or request additional information? Please contact us.

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